Numeric / Lapack+Atlas
Lapack is broken in some recent versions of Numerical Python. This will affect some Biskit modules (e.g clustering and entropy calculations) as well as some BioPython modules.
To test if your Lapack is broken type this in your python interpreter:
from Numeric import * from LinearAlgebra import eigenvalues x = array([[1,2],[3,4]]) eigenvalues(x)
If it hangs you will have to find a version of Numeric without this bug (23.8.2 is recommended) or find find a way to compile Numeric not resulting in this bug. One way to do this is to install ALTAL and LAPACK localy and then compile Numeric using this. This may also give you substantial speed advantages. More instructions here:
make make install arch=<arch> (takes a very long time)
On an AMD64 system you probably have to edit the Make.<arch>:
F77FLAGS = -fomit-frame-pointer -O -m64 -fPIC CCFLAG0 = -fomit-frame-pointer -O -mfpmath=387 -m64 -fPIC MMFLAGS = -fomit-frame-pointer -O -mfpmath=387 -m64 -fPIC XCCFLAGS = $(CDEFS) -fomit-frame-pointer -O -mfpmath=387 -m64 -fPIC
Lapack ( in LAPACK:
cp INSTALL/ make lapacklib make clean
On an AMD64 system you probably have to edit the Lapack file as follows:
OPTS = -funroll-all-loops -O3 -m64 -fno-second-underscore -fPIC NOOPT = -m64 -fno-second-underscore -fPIC
Complementing ATLAS with LAPACK:
cd ~/ATLAS/lib/<arch> cp liblapack.a liblapack_orig.a # make a backup mkdir tmp; cd tmp ar x ../liblapack.a cp ~/LAPACK/lapack_LINUX.a ../liblapack.a ar r ../liblapack.a *.o cd ..; rm -rf tmp
Install (use lib64 if appropriate):
mkdir /usr/local/lib/atlas (if not there) cp ~/ATLAS/lib/<arch>/*.a /usr/local/lib/atlas/. mkdir /usr/local/include/atlas (if not there) cp ~/ATLAS/include/cblas.h /usr/local/include/atlas/. cp ~/ATLAS/include/clapack.h /usr/local/include/atlas/.
Then in Numeric-24.0b2 edit
use_system_lapack = 1 lapack_library_dirs = ['/usr/local/lib/atlas'] lapack_libraries = ['lapack', 'cblas', 'f77blas', 'atlas', 'g2c'] lapack_extra_link_args = []
Now install Numeric and things should work.:
python build python install