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Structure sampling with Xplor

Structure sampling with Xplor and

This document describes how to sample conformal space for a protein using Biskit and Xplor.

The default setting of the Xplor structure sampling script is to run ten independent trajectories of 50 ps length each with the structure embedded in a 9 A layer of explicit water.

Large-scale correlated motions usually escape the sampling of MD simulations. A second alternate approach is to run the simulation with an identical protocol, except a weak restraint is used to alleviate this problem. Large-scale, correlated motions typically occur along small gradients in the energy landscape. They are hence slow, but, on the other hand, they can be boosted by small interventions. The restraint acts on the ensemble of ten concurrent trajectories as a whole and increases the variability along the major principal components of motion. The computational cost of this principal component restrained simulation (PCR-MD) is similar to the classic approach described above, but the ensemble is considerably more diverse.

Technical rap (extracted from Grunberg, Leckner and Nilges (2004)):

Simulations are performed with a modified version of X-PLOR by using the CHARMM19 force field and an electrostatic cutoff of 12 A with force shifting. The protein is surrounded by a 9 A layer of TIP3 water molecules, and the solvent is briefly equilibrated. Ten copies will be the starting point for parallel simulations of 50 ps length, summing up to 500 ps total simulation time per system (default setting). SHAKE constraints are put on all bonds to hydrogens and on all TIP3 waters. Each copy is heated from 100 to 300 K in 50 K steps of 1 ps each, followed by additional 5 ps of equilibration with continued reassignment of velocities every 1 ps. The temperature is kept constant by explicit coupling to a heat bath via Langevin dynamics and a friction coefficient of 20 ps^-1 for water oxygens and between 0.5 and 5.5 ps^-1 for protein atoms, dependent on their solvent accessible area. A time step of 2 fs is used.

The principal component restrained simulation are performed with identical setup but by adding an additional force onto the potential acting along the principle components of motion, basically as described by Abseher and Nilges (2000). In difference to the published method, we redefined the principal components iteratively during the calculation.

None: To run this you need a modified version of XPLOR that is available upon request.


Preparing the structure

As you probably are aware of, pdb-files are quite often a mess -- missing atoms, none-standard amino acids, alternate positions of atoms ... in summary there are a lot of things that protein-protein docking programs and molecular dynamics programs can't handle. To remedy this we have written a script,, that take care of the most common problems. The task of the script is to prepare a pdb-file for XPLOR (which like all MD programs is a quite picky about the structures you feed it). Furthermore, XPLOR is used to add missing atoms (according to the CHARMm19force field).

Changes made "cleaning" the pdb-file include:

  • Consecutive numbering of residues
  • Missing atoms are added
  • Alternate positions of residues are discarded (most populated position is used)
  • None standard residues are replaced with closest standard residue
  • chain breaks are detected
  • crystall waters are collected
  • All HETATM records are lost (Note 1)
  • Tries to remove redundant chains. For example, if the pdb-file contains 4 identical peptide chains the script will assume that there are 4 in the assymetric unit and it will discard 3 of them. (Note 2)

Calling without any options will give you all the available arguments. The arguments we will use here are:

-i           the input pdb-file
-c        .. start chain labeling at position c in the alphabet.
             (i.e. -c 3 means, chains are labeled D, E, etc.)
-cmask    .. chain mask for overriding the default sequence identity
             based cleaning (e.g. 1 0 0 1 0 0 )
-exe      .. also execute XPLOR, write log to file

NOTE The name of the input pdb-file has to be:

  • at least 5 characters long (the first 4 characters will be used as a name for the cleaned pdb file)
  • has to start with a number.

If your structure meet the criteria above you can now run the script for your structure. In this example we'll assume that you have a pdb file called 1structure.pdb in a folder called project_folder.

>>> cd project_folder
>>> -i 1structure.pdb -exe
Comment: The -exe option tells the script to start the XPLOR job before exiting (this assumes that you have setup the path to XPLOR-NIH correctly in your ~/.biskit/settings.dat file). The XPLOR job might take quite some time depending on your hardware. Running the script without the -exe option is much quicker but then you will have to run the minimization manualy before continuing to the next step.
>>> xplor-nih < 1structure.inp > 1structure.log

You have now three cleaned and minimized structures with corresponding psf-files:

project_folder/1STR.pdb  and  1STR.psf
Note 1

If you want to keep HETATM records in your pdb-files you will have to edit the generate.inp file manually. I addition you will also need to find or create a parameter and topology files for the CHARMm19 forcefield. A good start for locating parameters is the HIC-Up server (

You will have to add something like this to your generate.inp file:



segment name="SUBS"
    coordinates @/home/myself/substrate.PDB
coordinates @/home/myself/substrate.PDB
Note 2

By default compares the pairwise sequence identity between all chains and uses this info to guess which chains to remove. This behavior can be overridden by giving the script a chain map as an command line option.

Example: You have a pdb-file with 4 chains -- A,B,C and D. Your protein is a homodimer and the dimers are A-B and C-D. Then you should call like this:

>>> -i 1structure.pdb -cmap 1 1 0 0

Conformal sampling without PCR

This example starts a simulation on localhost without any principal component restraints. The simulation will run 10 MD simulations in parallell (for greater ensemble diversity) and will result in 500 shapshots (separated by 1 ps, 500 x 2 fs time steps).

NOTE: This is a time consuming step! Depending on the size of your system and the hardware you are using the simulation will take anything from days to months.

Extracted from the help screen:

Syntax: runPCR -t |psfFolder| -h |host|
               [-f |Force| -r |resultFolder| -n |nice| -i |inpFolder| ]

       -f      force constant for PCR restraint
       -r      base folder for result (sub-folders will be created)
       -t      folder with topology (psf, pdb)
       -n      nice value
       -h      host computer (accessible via ssh)
       -i      folder with all input files, must contain restart_h2o.inp'
       -parm   folder with param19.* files

Default options:
       - f     0
       - i     ~/biskit/external/xplor/inpPcr
       - h     localhost
       - parm  ~/biskit/external/xplor/toppar
       - n     0
       - r     .
       - nstep 500

Create an output foldre for the simulation.

>>> mkdir str_pcr_00

Now start the simulation. If you want to run it on another host than the localhost you need pasword free ssh access to that machine.

>>> -t project_folder \
>>>           -r str_pcr_00 \
>>>           -h localhost

The script returns information about the simulation that is usefull if you need to stop or restart the simulation:

host: localhost
pid:  14500
nice: 0
binary:        /shared_bin/xplor/ifcxplor
result folder: /mnt/data/shared_bin/biskit/project_folder/str_pcr_00/pcr_00
topology:      /mnt/data/shared_bin/biskit/project_folder/
force:         0

Conformal sampling with PCR

This example starts a simulation on localhost with principal component restraints. The simulation will run 10 MD simulations in parallell (for greater ensemble diversity) and will result in 500 shapshots (separated by 1 ps, 500 x 2 fs time steps).

The pcr force is specified by the -f argument to A resonable value for the pcr force is something close to 0.2 times the number of amino acids. Here we will assume that the protein we want to sample has 200 amino acids and therefore we'll give a pcr force of 40.

NOTE: This is a time consuming step! Depending on the size of your system and the hardware you are using the simulation will take anything from days to months.

Create an output foldre for the simulation.

>>> mkdir str_pcr_40

Now start the simulation. If you want to run it on another host than the localhost you need pasword free ssh access to that machine.

>>> -t project_folder \
>>>           -r str_pcr_40  \
>>>           -f 40 -h localhost

The script returns information about the simulation that is usefull if you need to stop or restart the simulation:

host: localhost
pid:  14800
nice: 0
binary:        /shared_bin/xplor/ifcxplor
result folder: /mnt/data/shared_bin/biskit/project_folder/str_pcr_40/pcr_40
topology:      /mnt/data/shared_bin/biskit/project_folder/
force:         0

Create a trajectory

The following step is to collect the simulation snapshots into a trajectory object. This is quite time consuming and has therefore been parallellized through PVM. The first step is thus to start the pvm deamon (if not already running).

>>> pvm

Create a model folder in the str_pcr_40 folder

>>> cd ~/project_folder/str_pcr_40
>>> mkdir model is a parallellized script that converts all the pdb snapshots into PDBModels. The script reads the pdb files from the str_pcr_40 folder, strips of any water molecules and writes PDBModels into the model folder.

>>> -i str_pcr_40/*.pdb \
>>>              -a -wat -o model/ collects the PDBModels created by and fits them all to a given reference structure, deletes the waters and writes a trajectory output file: traj.dat

>>> -i model/*.model \
>>>             -r ../1STR.pdb -wat -f

Cluster the trajectory frames

We don't want to use all 500 snapshots for the docking, rather we want to select representative structures from the ensemble. In this example we select 10 conformers and we do this by means of fuzzy clustering, where each picked structure is a cluster center. will cluster the trajectory snapshots in ten clusters. The structure closest to the center of each cluster will be written to disc as a PDBModel and a model dictionary.

>>> mkdir project_folder/clustered
>>> cd project_folder/clustered
>>> -i ../str_pcr_40/traj.dat \
>>>                 -n 10
Comment: This creates n pickled Biskit.PDBModel instances and a pickled dictionary that contains all of them indexed by cluster number. The dictionary is the input to the Biskit docking routines.

If you need PDB files...

>>> -i *model